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5 Types of Video Content that Makes Your Brand Flawless

Video content is one of the best forms of marketing that you can use for your brand.

It provides a more personal touch than any other form of marketing and it also offers an opportunity to show off your personality and what makes your business unique.

In this blog post, we will provide 5 video content ideas for brands that you should be using!

Tutorial videos

One of the explainer videos that is gaining traction on YouTube

Creating videos that explains something are one of the most popular types of video content to this day. These types of explainer videos teach people how to do something and they can be done in a number of different ways, such as talking directly into the camera or narrating over footage you have already taken.

When it comes to how long tutorials should be, there’s not one set answer. It all depends on the information you’re trying to convey in your video and whether or not, viewers find what you are teaching interesting enough that they’ll want more of it after watching a certain amount of content. Whether it’s educational videos, event videos, personalized videos or simple video clips, the length basically depends how you’re conveying your message.

How long should a tutorial video be?

Tutorials usually last between two minutes and fifteen minutes so as not to bore our audience with too much material at once; however, length does depend largely upon the type of tutorial being filmed.

Is your tutorial video going over something simple like tying shoelaces? Or learning quantum physics from scratch? If we were filming an instructional manual for every single process imaginable (which would take hours!) then sometimes splitting tutorials across multiple videos in a series is the best way to go! PS. Don’t forget to use chapters on YouTube to help your viewers know where each point is located in the video.

Culture videos

Company Culture Videos

Culture videos are a great type of content for brands because they allow them to showcase what their company is all about and who they’re trying to attract. They often say, you should choose your clients wisely, as a company culture video is able to do this for you.

A company culture video can be anything from office vlog-style video talking about the benefits of working at your business or interviews with employees, to discussions with your CEO about the direction of the company. Try not to make these too promotional, an effective way to do this is by providing interesting, educational content they’ll want to watch.

Recruitment videos

Recruitment videos are great for businesses because they allow them to reach out to potential job seekers in a different way than just posting jobs on their website or social media page and waiting for someone to apply. Behind the scenes videos can be great examples of these. These can be anything from testimonials about why people love working at your company all the way up to an interview with a candidate about what their goals are and how they would fit into the company.

For companies that are looking to optimize, systematising and automating their hiring process, they should look into recruitment videos. Recruitment videos not only help attract talent by appealing to a broader audience, but they can also replace resources within your recruitment workflow, thus lowering your recruitment budget in the long-term.

FAQ videos

how to videos
How to videos can be created for marketing videos

One of my favourite video content ideas is to create a FAQ page. Your viewers will love it because they can get answers to their questions quickly and easily, so you’ll gain more traffic and keep them coming back for more! Video Marketing isn’t an easy task and hence, they should be created with proper focus on company goals.

Video Marketing or FAQ videos can be a great video content idea for your business to create because sometimes people will have questions that just don’t seem answered on your website or social media pages, but you’re not sure where those may come from in many cases. These should answer basic questions that your potential customers may have about any topic. Video content marketing in your own website must be unique and short as no one likes when something is promoted constantly.

Templating FAQ Videos or video marketing can also save you a ton of time explaining the same process again and again while boosting the brand awareness. One of the best ways to answer your support emails is by emailing through templated FAQ videos. 

Product comparison videos

Product comparison videos are a great type of video content to create for your business if you want to help people understand the differences between two or more products. These engaging video content can also be in the form of testimonial videos. This can be done in many ways, such as by doing side-by-side comparisons and showing what each product does best with demonstrations, but it’s mostly about making sure that people know which one is best for them. To create the best and video blogs or animated videos, make sure to have a suitable video camera. Also, it is important to know about “how to video” when shooting any of your product for marketing video.

Side-by-side comparisons show what each product does best with demonstrations, but it’s mostly about making sure that people know which one is the best choice for them.* A good example of a Product Comparison video would be a comparison between two products or brands, such as dishwasher detergent pods and traditional liquid dishwasher detergent. It can be a great example of marketing funnel for producing video content.

There you go, 5 Types of Video Content for Your Brand that you might not have through of and the best part is that you don’t need to be a pro videographer. It’s all about having an idea, executing it and then editing the video into something worth watching!